The Inequality Act (HR 5) - which its supporters disingenuously call the "Equality Act" – has passed the House of Representatives. WE NEED TO STOP IT IN THE SENATE.
Why is this bill so bad?
This dangerous and sweeping legislation has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with coercion and establishing special rights for certain individuals at the expense of the basic constitutional rights of countless other Americans. The bill outrageously declares that the belief – held throughout human history since the dawn of time, and practiced by virtually every major religion – that marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman, to be a "sex stereotype." Since sex discrimination would include so-called discrimination based on sex stereotypes, the legislation purports to make acting on one's belief in traditional marriage to be illegal discrimination. The bill opens up intimate shared facilities, like bathrooms and locker rooms, to any individual based on perceived "gender identity" rather than biological sex, which is an invasion of privacy for girls and women. The bill forces female athletes at all levels to compete against biological males with an unfair advantage, eviscerating the intended protections of Title IX meant to provide women and girls a fair playing field in athletic competitions. The bill institutes mandates for radical curriculum that would teach children as young as kindergarten about things like gender dysphoria. The bill would deny medical professionals their basic conscience rights and force them to engage in procedures and treatments like abortion or sexual reassignment surgery even if they hold deep convictions opposed to such actions.
Take action today!
Take action today!
Sign.Sign our petition that will be sent to the Senate leadership and key swing vote Senators, urging them to defeat this dangerous and radical legislation.
Share.It's important to let as many Americans as possible know about this bill and get them to join this movement of resistance. Please share this page with friends and family on social media using the buttons below.
Donate.The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is a non-profit dedicated to fighting for and defending marriage and family and the faith communities that sustain it. We appreciate your generous support.
Sign the Petition
Sign the Petition
Call Your Senators
Call Your Senators Today

Your Senators need to hear from you today. Let them know that it is unacceptable that this bill passed the House of Representatives and that it must be stopped in the Senate. Use our description above of why this bill is so bad to explain the reasons you oppose the so-called "Equality Act" and tell them that, as a constituent, you demand that they stand up for your voice and your values in Washington, DC. Simply call 202.224.3121, the Senate switchboard, and tell the operator what state you're calling from, to be connected to the appropriate office.
You can also make your voice heard by tweeting a message to the Senate letting them know you oppose the Equality Act and demanding that they vote to stop it. Use the buttons below to act today.
You can also make your voice heard by tweeting a message to the Senate letting them know you oppose the Equality Act and demanding that they vote to stop it. Use the buttons below to act today.
Call the Senate switchboard today at (202) 224-3121.
You can also tweet a message to Senate GOP!